Hydrogen + Fuel Cells International preview
Solar-derived hydrogen, fuelling stations and global hydrogen growth are just three areas set to be discussed next month at the Hydrogen + Fuel Cells International in Salt Lake City, Utah.
Solar-derived hydrogen, fuelling stations and global hydrogen growth are just three areas set to be discussed next month at the Hydrogen + Fuel Cells International in Salt Lake City, Utah.
ZeroAvia, a California-based start-up founded by airplane and helicopter pilot Val Miftakhov, has made significant advancements in developing a zero-emission, hydrogen-fuelled electric plane.
Nel ASA subsidiary Everfuel has undergone a change in structure and is now a standalone company in its own right, Nel said today.
Back in April (2019), Plug Power and Charlatte America delivered fuel-cell powered electric cargo tuggers for FedEx’s use at the Albany International Airport.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced approximately $40m in funding for 29 projects to advance the H2@Scale concept.
The North West Hydrogen Alliance (NWHA) is calling for government investment in hydrogen projects to meet ambitious carbon reductions targets in the UK.
Hydrogen mobility is one of the most promising solutions for a sustainable energy transition in large-scale transport modes, including trucks, buses, trains and professional vehicle fleets.
There is increasing conviction in the contribution that hydrogen solutions can have in the energy transition. Increasing numbers believe hydrogen and fuel cell technologies have significant potential to enable this transition to a clean, low-carbon...
Alkaline fuel cell power company AFC Energy has appointed two market development specialists as it begins the commercial roll-out of its hydrogen and fuel cell technology.
The Electricity Generating Authority of Thailand has signed a cooperation agreement with electrolyser manufacturer Enapter to advance the production of hydrogen in Thailand.