Hydrogen conversion to green gas
In many European countries, we must find a reliable way to balance out the seasonal imbalance of renewable electricity generation, which peaks in the summer and the demand for energy, which peaks in the winter....
In many European countries, we must find a reliable way to balance out the seasonal imbalance of renewable electricity generation, which peaks in the summer and the demand for energy, which peaks in the winter....
A new hydrogen refuelling station for buses will soon be operational in Cologne, Germany.
German electric utilities company RWE and German LNG Terminal, the joint venture developing Germany’s first LNG terminal, have signed an agreement to jointly explore hydrogen opportunities.
The Dutch Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, together with Gasunie and TenneT, are investigating which part of the existing gas network in the Netherlands can be used for the transport of hydrogen.
Yesterday, the German Government announced its intentions to invest €9bn into making hydrogen a marketable fuel across the country through Germany’s National Hydrogen Strategy.
As we edge closer towards the government’s mini-budget in July that will set out its economic recovery plans form Covid-19, the energy sector is turning up the volume on the role that hydrogen should play...
Today, the Federal Government of Germany will announce its National Hydrogen Strategy that will look at hydrogen as a key element to decarbonise the country’s energy system.
Global engineering firm Petrofac has been awarded an engineering and project management office support contract for a carbon capture and hydrogen production project in Scotland.
On 15th-17th September (2020), Sydney, Australia, will host the Australian Hydrogen Forum 2020.
South Korean car giant Hyundai has invested in Hydrogenious LOHC Technologies in a bid to expand liquid organic hydrogen carrier (LOHC)-based infrastructure in Asia and Europe.