Enough of the green-blue debate!
Canada has joined the more than 120 countries around the world that have committed to net-zero 2050. This is wonderful news and Canada’s hydrogen and fuel cell sector welcomes it. Net zero changes everything. No...
Canada has joined the more than 120 countries around the world that have committed to net-zero 2050. This is wonderful news and Canada’s hydrogen and fuel cell sector welcomes it. Net zero changes everything. No...
One of the most critical problems in storing liquid hydrogen has been the boiloff that occurs. Because of its nature, boiloff occurs very fast in any kind of container, even ones with the best insulation...
H2 View’s Molly Burgess and Joanna Sampson take a deep dive into the hydrogen mobility market in North America, and look at the cars, buses, planes and trains servicing the region today.
The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBC) has appointed Sara Fitzsimon Nelson as its new Policy Director, spearheading the inclusion of hydrogen energy and fuel cell power in California’s climate.
A future where buses, trains, trucks, cars, home heating and farm machinery run on zero emission hydrogen fuel – that’s all part of the new hydrogen hub vision unveiled on Wednesday (14th April) for Edmonton,...
Gas utility Hawaii Gas is set to introduce AES-100 technology to branch into the lucrative hydrogen market by producing pure hydrogen from its syngas operations.
A retired coal-fired power plant (CFPP) in Prewitt, New Mexico is set to be converted to produce blue and green hydrogen by a new technology collaboration, Escalante H2 Power.
Alaska Airlines and SkyNRG Americas have today (14th April) signed a deal committing to increase investment in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) as well as incorporating green hydrogen to cut carbon emissions.
Offering the only hydrogen-powered SUV in the US market, Hyundai Motor Company prides itself in its commitment to clean energy and fuel cell stack technology.
The Fuel Cell Hydrogen Energy Association (FCHEA) is leading the charge on a new multi-faceted effort that highlights key benefits of hydrogen and fuel cell technology in a bid to stimulate the economy, create jobs...