Samsung E&A to provide engineering for Liquid Wind’s global e-fuel plants
Liquid Wind and Samsung E&A will work together on developing green hydrogen-based e-fuel facilities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
Liquid Wind and Samsung E&A will work together on developing green hydrogen-based e-fuel facilities in Asia, Africa and the Middle East.
“Mantle Ridge’s campaign is nothing less than an attempt to unilaterally seize full control of Air Products without paying a control premium,” the company claimed.
“This plant will enhance our ability to provide the world with low-carbon products, in line with the global efforts to reduce carbon emissions.”
Aramco will use Topsoe technology to produce blue hydrogen at its natural gas liquids (NGL) recovery plant in Saudi Arabia.
gasworld Global Editor, Dominic Ellis, brings the hydrogen highlights from the gasworld MENA Industrial Gases Conference in Abu Dhabi.
With only 330MW of capacity installed today and an ambitious goal of 7.1GW by decade’s end, the industry faces a significant deployment gap…
Fusion Fuel management viewed the deal as an “opportunity to recalibrate its business strategy to better align with current market conditions.”
Calling for stakeholders globally to scale up hydrogen by offering demand creation, standards and certification, finance, capacity building, trade, R&D and sustainability, the declaration launched ahead of COP is not part of official negotiations.
“e-NG produced in Azerbaijan could be delivered to Europe via the existing gas network infrastructure, such as the Southern Gas Corridor,” a joint statement said.
“Since it’s chemically identical to natural gas, we believe the future total accessible market potential for e-NG is massive,” Lei Chen, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at TES told H2 View.