CHBS makes appointment
The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBS) has appointed Bill Zobel as its Executive Director.
The California Hydrogen Business Council (CHBS) has appointed Bill Zobel as its Executive Director.
Industry consortium Norsk e-Fuel is planning Europe’s first commercial plant for hydrogen-based renewable aviation in Norway.
Sustainable Pipeline Systems (SPS) is developing a mobile automated spiral wound intelligent pipeline system that incorporates spiral wound sensor technology.
Global engineering, environmental and strategic consultancy Ricardo and the European Marine Energy Centre (EMEC) are supporting the delivery of a new solar powered hydrogen production facility on the Isle of Wight, UK.
Swedish power-to-fuel company Liquid Wind has successfully raised over SEK 2.7m (€258,000) through crowdfunding to support the development of carbon neutral fuel facilities and accelerate the transition from fossil fuels.
Tasmania has developed hydrogen-related qualifications as part of a new $14m Trades and Water Centre of Excellence at TasTAFE’s Clarence campus.
Hydrogen is specifically mentioned in a NOK 3.6bn green technologies investment package unveiled by the Norwegian Government last month.
The potential role that hydrogen can play in achieving ambitious emissions targets for industry was formally recognised with the announcement of an exciting new venture in the gas industry, ITM Linde Electrolysis (ILE).
ITM Power says it has a record backlog of £52.4m as the clean energy storage company this week provided a trading update.
Researchers at Washington State University have made a key advancement in solid oxide fuel cells (SOFCs) that could make them a more suitable alternative to gasoline combustion engines for powering cars.