Germany deploys 40 more hydrogen buses
As part of what is thought to be the largest ever order for hydrogen-powered buses in Europe, the German city of Wuppertal will soon put the final instalment of vehicles on the road.
As part of what is thought to be the largest ever order for hydrogen-powered buses in Europe, the German city of Wuppertal will soon put the final instalment of vehicles on the road.
Following successful testing in Vienna back in June by public transport operator Wiener Linien, Solaris Urbino 12 hydrogen buses are now being tested by Austria’s largest private bus operator Dr. Richard Group.
The European Commission will support the development of a hydrogen station in Madrid as part of the ECO-net Project, coordinated by Enagás.
Industry-specific solutions provider Honeywell has strengthened its focus on harnessing hydrogen energy to enable industrial and commercial thermal process customers to reduce carbon emissions levels and comply with tightening global environmental regulations.
Ukraine’s largest energy group DTEK has become the first Ukrainian company to join Hydrogen Europe, an association promoting hydrogen as the enabler of a zero emission society.
A consortium of businesses operating across the hydrogen sector have called on government to address the existing regulatory and policy anomalies that are creating distortions in the market and preventing a level playing field for...
A hydrogen fuel cell-powered garbage truck will soon be tested in Toyoko, following an agreement between the Tokyo Metropolitan Government and Waseda University.
Neptune Energy has joined the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance, supporting the development of the EU’s hydrogen strategy.
Ballard Power Systems has recognised the importance of the hydrogen strategy unveiled by the European Commission last week, alongside the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance launch.
Australian energy company Santos has appointed global professional services firm GHD to conduct a concept study investigating a hydrogen future for the Cooper Basin.