McPhy to deploy two hydrogen stations in France
McPhy will deploy two hydrogen stations with a capacity of 400kg of hydrogen per day each, connected to a 1MW electrolyser in Dijon Métropole, France.
McPhy will deploy two hydrogen stations with a capacity of 400kg of hydrogen per day each, connected to a 1MW electrolyser in Dijon Métropole, France.
German business management consultant Arena Innovation is pioneering a project that aims to establish business environment and competence clusters in Europe’s Danube region, and digitally interconnect them to enable fuel cells and hydrogen knowledge and...
Hydrogen is the energy carrier of the 21st century, says the CEO of the Port of Rotterdam Authority, as the Port of Rotterdam became the first port to join the Hydrogen Council.
Clean Power Hydrogen (CPH2) has appointed Jon Duffy as its new CEO.
The Scottish Government is investing £300,000 in a new hydrogen accelerator, located at the University of St Andrews, to help maximise the economic opportunities for the shift to zero or ultra-low emission mobility solutions.
Did you know there’s a hotel in Kawasaki City, Japan that creates hydrogen from waste plastics to supply about 30% of its energy needs?
Hydrogen fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) operating as zero emission private hire vehicles in London and Paris are proving a popular alternative to combustion petrol or diesel engines.
In the absence of a viable hydrogen refuelling network in the UK, Fuel Cell Systems Ltd (FCSL) has responded by developing lower cost, mobile refuelling solutions that are easy to transport and commission, and are...
On-site hydrogen generation specialist HyGear has signed an agreement to supply its Hy.GEN technology for use in fuel cell vehicles operating in two North American distribution centres.
Amidst the coronavirus pandemic, McPhy has reported a strong commercial dynamic and increased cash flow as it shares its results for the first half of the year.