Kommunalkredit joins European Clean Hydrogen Alliance
Kommunalkredit, a specialist bank for infrastructure and energy financing, has been named as the first Austrian financial institute to join the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
Kommunalkredit, a specialist bank for infrastructure and energy financing, has been named as the first Austrian financial institute to join the European Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
Nel Hydrogen Fuelling has been awarded the world’s first International Organization of Legal Metrology (OIML) R 139 certification for a hydrogen dispenser system.
Carmeuse, Engie and John Cockerill have joined forces on a new carbon capture and utilisation project that will concentrate carbon dioxide from an innovative type of lime kiln, combine it with hydrogen and produce “e-methane”.
FTI Consulting has today (11th Dec) unveiled India’s Green Hydrogen Roadmap report, proposing a target of 4% for hydrogen energy in the national energy mix by 2030.
Toyota’s next generation fuel cell electric technology is powering a new set of Kenworth T680 heavy-duty trucks in the US.
Hungary-based GOLDI Mobility has today (11th Dec) introduced four new zero emissions buses, two of which are powered by hydrogen.
Australian hydrogen research and development company Star Scientific has won the 2020 Global Energy Awards’ Energy Technology of the Year award.
The US Department of Energy (DOE) has announced $33m in funding to support innovative hydrogen and fuel cell R&D, infrastructure supply chain development and validation, and cost analysis activities.
Advent Technologies has concluded a Department of Energy HydroGen Program in which a number of collaborators advanced the state of hydrogen production with a next-generation water electrolysis.
Ceres Power Holding and AVL List have joined forces to accelerate customer adoption and product development of solid oxide fuel cell technology for numerous applications.