

Video: “There’s no such thing as a status quo in this industry”

Pat Buzzell, Director of Product Management, Ionpure at Evoqua Water Technologies; Dr David Hodgson, Managing Director at TFP Hydrogen Products; and Mascha Smit, Head of Technology at Green Hydrogen Systems, discusses what they would like...

Video: The skills challenge of the electrolyser business

Dr David Hodgson, Managing Director at TFP Hydrogen Products, discusses the long term challenges in the electrolyser industry and how there is a challenge surrounding skills, ability and training on H2 View’s, Electrolysers Special webinar.

Video: How can Evoqua help the electrolyser business?

Pat Buzzell, Director of Product Management, Ionpure at Evoqua Water Technologies, discusses how Evoqua and other technology innovators can help the electrolyser industry on H2 View’s, Electrolysers Special webinar.

Video: What are the lead times for electrolysers?

Mascha Smit, Head of Technology at Green Hydrogen Systems, discusses the current lead times for electrolysers and how this may develop going forward on H2 View’s, Electrolysers Special webinar.

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