
Storage & Transportation

Video: Gaseous hydrogen vs liquid hydrogen

Cory Kreutzer, Technical Director at BrainDrip/IQ4H2, discusses gaseous vs liquid hydrogen and how the market hasn’t fully established which is the better option, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.

Spotlight On… Hangyang

“The cost of transporting high-pressure hydrogen escalates sharply when distances exceed 200km, sometimes surpassing the cost of production itself – something that end-users find hard to accept.”

Video: Does the approval system for hydrogen projects need to be simplified?

Harry Morton, Principal Consultant – Hydrogen at Gemserv, discusses the approval process for hydrogen projects in the US and UK and if this process needs to be simplified, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.

Video: How can industry enable large scale hydrogen storage solutions?

Cory Kreutzer, Technical Director at BrainDrip/IQ4H2, discusses large-scale hydrogen storage solutions and address the barriers to such solutions, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.

H2 View Introduces… Halliburton

Nathan Snoke, Global Hydrogen Account Manager at Halliburton, tells H2 View, how he hopes to see both hydrogen and Halliburton “achieve widespread global adoption of underground hydrogen storage.”

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