Energie AG to repurpose sections of Austrian gas pipeline to hydrogen
Austria’s electricity and gas network operator is planning to repurpose parts of the nation’s natural gas pipeline for hydrogen integration.
Austria’s electricity and gas network operator is planning to repurpose parts of the nation’s natural gas pipeline for hydrogen integration.
Cory Kreutzer, Technical Director at BrainDrip/IQ4H2, discusses gaseous vs liquid hydrogen and how the market hasn’t fully established which is the better option, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.
“The cost of transporting high-pressure hydrogen escalates sharply when distances exceed 200km, sometimes surpassing the cost of production itself – something that end-users find hard to accept.”
Harry Morton, Principal Consultant – Hydrogen at Gemserv, discusses the approval process for hydrogen projects in the US and UK and if this process needs to be simplified, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.
Penspen will provide hydrogen gap analysis services on a natural gas pipeline in southern Europe to assess the feasibility of introducing hydrogen blends.
Provaris Energy, Uniper Global Commodities and Norwegian Hydrogen have signed a conditional Term Sheet, paving the way for the supply of hydrogen from the Nordics to north-western Europe.
Cory Kreutzer, Technical Director at BrainDrip/IQ4H2, discusses large-scale hydrogen storage solutions and address the barriers to such solutions, on H2 View’s Storage & Distribution webinar.
The cause of the fire currently remains unknown.
Oman is to set up a Net Zero Centre to monitor the implementation of projects and provide technical support as it strives to meet its goal of zero neutrality by 2050.
Nathan Snoke, Global Hydrogen Account Manager at Halliburton, tells H2 View, how he hopes to see both hydrogen and Halliburton “achieve widespread global adoption of underground hydrogen storage.”