Pillars of Progress: Hydrogen from renewables, green back-up power
Green hydrogen produced by harnessing surplus electricity from wind and solar sources is an important back-up power solution.
Green hydrogen produced by harnessing surplus electricity from wind and solar sources is an important back-up power solution.
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) has launched a new research centre to help the Australian LNG industry address the challenges of productivity, cost and decarbonisation, and support the establishment of a globally-leading hydrogen export industry...
Ten years ago, it felt as though the notion of a hydrogen economy was losing ground to the hybrid engines that were changing the face of the automotive sector. Today, however, there is conviction and...
There is an acceptance that hydrogen has the ability to power not just passenger and commercial vehicles but whole industries and walks of life. The notion and necessity for a hydrogen society has never been...
To enable professionals to learn how to make the current natural gas supply suitable for hydrogen in residential areas, testing, inspection and certification (TIC) leader Kiwa and Alliander are building a hydrogen house together in...
A newly formed consortium will build the “world’s first” multi-megawatt scale high-temperature electrolyser for hydrogen production in Rotterdam.
The Australian Hydrogen Council has decided to reschedule the Australian Hydrogen Conference from March to November due to concerns regarding the spread of coronavirus and its implications for corporate travel.
Yesterday in Brussels the European Commission presented a new European Industrial Strategy which included the launch of a Clean Hydrogen Alliance.
Can existing gas networks in the UK be repurposed to safely carry 100% hydrogen in order to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from heat?
Strengthening its commitment to the development of sustainable solutions, electrotechnology company McKay has joined the New Zealand Hydrogen Association.