Port of Corner Brook to host 5GW CWP green hydrogen and iron hub
CWP Global will explore the development of a green hydrogen hub in Canada after agreeing to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Corner Brook Port Corporation (CBPC).
CWP Global will explore the development of a green hydrogen hub in Canada after agreeing to a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Corner Brook Port Corporation (CBPC).
Hydrogen truck manufacturer Hyzon will incur charges of around $17m by halting its Dutch and Australian operations as it refocuses on its home market in North America, the company has revealed.
UK electrolyser manufacturer ITM Power has signed a 500MW capacity reservation with an unnamed global industrial customer.
Lhyfe has partnered with industrial engineering firm Fives to design solutions for the supply and use of green hydrogen in industrial combustion processes.
“Hydrogen-based maritime e-fuels hold the promise of revolutionising the shipping industry, offering a sustainable and scalable path to decarbonisation,” writes Jesse Fahnestock, Director of Decarbonisation at the Global Maritime Forum.
American Airlines has entered a conditional purchase agreement for 100 hydrogen-electric engines from ZeroAvia that could power its regional jet aircraft, as well as increasing its investment in the start-up.
“I’m convinced that if we get it right, with robust energy and infrastructure systems within jurisdictions like California, vehicle manufacturers will commit to selling those vehicles,” Air Products’ Vice-President, Hydrogen for Mobility, told H2 View.
With near-term options including energy efficiency measures for ships, the uptake of zero or near-zero GHG emission technologies, fuels and energy sources is seen as the clear path to take the shipping industry to Net...
Insurance majors Zurich and Aon have launched a new clean hydrogen insurance programme, offering coverage for blue and green projects with CAPEX of up to $250m.
Verne and Cryostar have agreed to develop cryo-compressed hydrogen (CcH2) fuelling solutions for heavy-duty station developers and fleets.