No glory in being a hydrogen first mover if others don’t quickly follow: Air Products
“Even the best first mover cannot create a reliable, competitive market,” Bols told H2 View. “…We need more projects to come to market.”
“Even the best first mover cannot create a reliable, competitive market,” Bols told H2 View. “…We need more projects to come to market.”
It’s been quite the three days here in Rotterdam for the World Hydrogen Summit and Exhibition.
Despite progress, hydrogen development has fallen short of expectations, according to Ivo Bols, President of Europe and Africa at Air Products, speaking at the World Hydrogen Summit in Rotterdam, the Netherlands.
H2 View’s most recent electrolyser webinar, sponsored by FuelCell Energy, hosted one of the busiest Q&As in our webinar history.
Meeting shipping’s demand for e-fuels could require 1TW of hydrogen production capacity and 2TW of renewable energy generation by 2050, according to the Global Maritime Forum.
“The purpose of climate policy we believe should be to enable and incentivise the steel industry to transition to lower-carbon technologies,” an ArcelorMittal spokesperson said.
The SteelWatch report said recent “backtracking” by ArcelorMittal suggested the company will continue to use fossil gas instead of hydrogen and/or delay various DRI projects, something ArcelorMittal has denied to H2 View.
Never before has hydrogen received so much attention – and so much pressure to prove itself. As part of the clean energy transition, it holds great potential to decarbonise key industries and reduce climate-warming emissions...
A consortium between Australia’s Fortescue and investor Actis has been awarded the rights to develop, build, own and operate a 200,000-tonne-per-year green hydrogen project in Oman.
Oman has awarded a Franco-Japanese consortium with almost 340km2 of land to develop a 2.5GW green hydrogen plant for ammonia production.