Uniper goes underground: Storing hydrogen in salt caverns
“If you want to store really large volumes of energy from one season or another, or for large industrial use cases, then hydrogen storage is considered the way to go,” Uniper tells H2 View.
“If you want to store really large volumes of energy from one season or another, or for large industrial use cases, then hydrogen storage is considered the way to go,” Uniper tells H2 View.
“Some of our cylinders were made in the 1930s…It really just supports how important it is to keep our maintenance and inspection regime relevant.”
“We are creating security for everyone involved – from hydrogen producers at home and abroad to the operators of power plants and storage facilities and future industrial users.”
H2 View speaks with Dr. Stefan Dwenger, Chief Commercial Officer at EKPO Fuel Cell Technologies.
Amid growing concerns in the West, China’s Hangyang reaffirms its commitment to global partnerships, emphasising fair competition and open collaboration as cornerstones of the hydrogen industry.
Sungrow Hydrogen sees significant potential in the European market, but stronger communication with hydrogen industry developers will be key to unlocking this opportunity, according to General Manager, Jason Jin.
Despite the collapse of the German three-party coalition government, the potential of the nation’s hydrogen industry remains robust according to Charles River Associates’ (CRA) Dieter Keller-Giessbach.
Electric Hydrogen believes it can still hit low green hydrogen costs of $1-2/kg with its large-scale PEM electrolysers, despite growing sentiment that the targets are unachievable.
“There are too many coal fire power plants running in Europe. Our hydrogen-fired gas turbine combined cycle (GTCC) power plants could be the crown jewel of the market because there is skyrocketing demand for clean...
“Since it’s chemically identical to natural gas, we believe the future total accessible market potential for e-NG is massive,” Lei Chen, Chief Commercial Officer (CCO) at TES told H2 View.