1,000 hydrogen stations estimated for California by 2030
In the past year, California has seen huge growth in fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) deployment as well as hydrogen fuelling station deployment.
In the past year, California has seen huge growth in fuel cell electric vehicle (FCEV) deployment as well as hydrogen fuelling station deployment.
Countries around the world are now making rapid advances in hydrogen energy technologies and strategy – and Australia has much to learn from their experience, according to the authors of a new report by the...
There are ‘unprecedented developments and interest in fuel cell electric mobility’ and ‘excellent sales momentum’ in hydrogen fuelling equipment as we pass the mid-point in 2019.
Homes in New South Wales, Australia could be powered by hydrogen in the near future as energy infrastructure company Jemena today confirmed it had purchased the state’s first electrolyser.
GenCell, a fuel cell manufacturer which offers clean power, has launched a video exploring its A5 fuel cell, a fuel cell which generates hydrogen from liquid ammonia.
The Canadian Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association’s (CHFCA) board of directors has appointed Mark Kirby as the organisation’s new President and CEO, effective 19th August (2019).
The newly elected Danish Government has firmly reinforced the country’s position as a green leader setting the ambitious goal of a 70% reduction in emissions by 2030.
Swiss energy company Alpiq and Swiss hydrogen company H2 Energy have revealed plans for Switzerland’s first commercial hydrogen production plant.
Germany experienced the worst drought ever recorded in the history of the nation’s weather records, last year (2018). The forecasts for the future are extremely negative. Rising temperatures and other droughts have already been predicted....
Western Australia will be a significant producer, exporter and user of renewable hydrogen. That’s the vision of the new Western Australian Renewable Hydrogen Strategy launched last week (18th July) by the McGowan Government.