Hydrogen by road, rail or river
At a time when the UK Government has pledged that greenhouse gas emissions will reach ‘net zero’ by 2050, the need for new sustainable energy sources is ever more urgent.
At a time when the UK Government has pledged that greenhouse gas emissions will reach ‘net zero’ by 2050, the need for new sustainable energy sources is ever more urgent.
Driving in Germany is perhaps best known for the absence of speed restrictions on parts of the German Autobahn network. And German car makers are renowned for their top-tier luxury brands. More recently, there has...
A school contest titled ‘World of the future: The best fuel cells and hydrogen application’ has been launched by FCHgo (Fuel Cells Hydrogen educational model for schools), an FCH JU funded project.
PowerCell Sweden has reported increased sales for the full year 2019, up 10% from 2018.
The European Commission has launched a call for projects that showcase the potential of hydrogen applications to decarbonise islands across the EU and worldwide, expanding its existing work to promote innovative solutions.
Whilst the idea of switching to a hydrogen boiler might sound daunting, it turns out it’s actually quite boring – for the user nothing changes.
Energy consultant and certification body DNV GL has identified green hydrogen as one of the three breakthrough technologies in its Technology Outlook for the Power and Renewables Industry that will significantly accelerate the decarbonisation of industries.
At the midpoint in its historic Odyssey for the Future, Energy Observer has already taken in tours of France (2017), the Mediterranean (2018) and the high latitudes of Northern Europe, Scandinavia and Russia in its...
H2 View has announced the final line-up for its Hydrogen Summit 2020 event in Munich, Germany this week, with the headline addition of Energy Observer to the speaking agenda.
Nippon Sheet Glass (NSG) will test the use of hydrogen as an alternative fuel for glass production at its Greengate Works facility in St. Helens, UK.