

As we edge closer towards the government’s mini-budget in July that will set out its economic recovery plans form Covid-19, the energy sector is turning up the volume on the role that hydrogen should play...

The fading embers of coal in the UK

There’s change coming in how industry is powered, not just how it embraces digitisation, with clean energies providing an alternative strand of our latest industrial revolution. And in Britain, we’re already seeing this happen, writes...

Getting high on hydrogen

As the world begins to emerge from one of the most challenging periods in recent history, governments are turning their attention to how they can quickly revitalise their economies. Stimulus packages are front of mind...

Since 1919, Cummins has turned challenges into opportunities. We’re always looking for new solutions to power a more prosperous world — but the world has changed a lot since Cummins first opened for business.

Hydrogen to energise Europe’s Green Deal

The European Commission’s European Green Deal is a roadmap for transforming the EU into a modern, resource-efficient and competitive low-carbon economy, with net-zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by 2050. Replacing fossil fuels with renewable energy...

Now is the time to back UK hydrogen

The Covid-19 crisis has created a need to re-think and renew our approach to achieving our net zero targets, writes Amanda Lyne, Chair of the UK Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (UKHFCA), an an exclusive...

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