

Study: Navigating the Way to a Renewable Future – Solutions to Decarbonise Shipping Study: Navigating the Way to a Renewable Future – Solutions to Decarbonise Shipping

Study: Navigating the Way to a Renewable Future – Solutions to Decarbonise Shipping

The G20 Karuizawa Innovation Action Plan on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth, released on 16th June 2019, called on the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to develop the analysis of potential pathways to a hydrogen-enabled clean energy future – noting that hydrogen as well as other synthetic fuels can play a major role in in the clean energy future, with a view to long-term strategies.

IRENA has since released the report Hydrogen: A Renewable Energy Perspective, providing a more in-depth perspective on the nexus between hydrogen and renewable energy and the scale up required to improve the economics of hydrogen energy adoption.

IRENA has also published this report for the shipping sector, titled Navigating the Way to a Renewable Future: Solutions to Decarbonise Shipping, which presents preliminary findings for the UN Climate Action Summit 2019.

Published in September 2019, the report presents analysis and exploration of the impact of maritime shipping on CO2 emissions, the structure of the shipping sector, and key areas that need to be addressed to reduce the sector’s carbon footprint. Furthermore, this IRENA paper reviews the principal, existing policy frameworks that address GHG and airborne emissions. It also looks at the potential clean fuels and renewable-based means of propulsion that can shift historical emissions trends.

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Study: Hydrogen – A Renewable Energy Perspective Study: Hydrogen – A Renewable Energy Perspective

Study: Hydrogen – A Renewable Energy Perspective

Clean hydrogen is enjoying unprecedented political and business momentum, with the number of policies and projects around the world expanding rapidly. Further acceleration of efforts is critical to ensuring a significant share of hydrogen in the energy system in the coming decades.

The G20 Karuizawa Innovation Action Plan on Energy Transitions and Global Environment for Sustainable Growth, released on 16th June 2019, calls on the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA) to develop the analysis of potential pathways to a hydrogen-enabled clean energy future – noting that hydrogen as well as other synthetic fuels can play a major role in in the clean energy future, with a view to long-term strategies.

This report, titled Hydrogen: A Renewable Energy Perspective, has been prepared and published in response. Launched on the occasion of the Hydrogen Energy Ministerial Meeting on 25th September 2019 in Tokyo, Japan, it provides a more in-depth perspective on the nexus between hydrogen and renewable energy and the scale up required to improve the economics of hydrogen energy adoption.

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Study: How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition Study: How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition

Study: How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition

There is increasing conviction in the contribution that hydrogen solutions can have in the energy transition. Increasing numbers believe hydrogen and fuel cell technologies have significant potential to enable this transition to a clean, low-carbon energy system. Here, a Hydrogen Council study explores How Hydrogen Empowers the Energy Transition.

Foremost among these is the Hydrogen Council, a partnership formed to underpin and leverage the enabling role of hydrogen. Launched in January 2017 but now comprised of 60 members and counting, the Council brings together various industry and energy sectors – with global reach – and is committed to providing guidance to accelerate and expand the deployment of hydrogen and fuel cell solutions around the world.

This 2017 study from the Hydrogen Council explores the role of hydrogen in the energy transition, including its potential, recent achievements, and challenges to its deployment. It also offers recommendations to ensure that the proper conditions are developed to accelerate the deployment of hydrogen technologies, with the support of policymakers, the private sector, and society.

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