© Thomas Schwabe, Siemens Gamesa
© Thomas Schwabe, Siemens Gamesa

Wind turbine directly linked to electrolyser in off-grid hydrogen research project

A German research project has successfully connected a wind turbine to two electrolysers, opening the potential for direct hydrogen production at offshore wind facilities.

The H2 Mare project – funded by Germany’s research ministry (BMBF) – saw Siemens Gamesa and Fraunhofer IWES connect two electrolysers to a wind turbine at a test site in Denmark to overcome complex power fluctuations in hydrogen production.

3D model of the H 2 Mare platform for offshore hydrogen production and the container systems with electrolysis and water treatment units.

It comes as the first step of plans to harness ideal offshore wind conditions to produce green hydrogen directly, with hopes of replicating the land-based system at sea.

The project team said, “The fluctuating power supply as the basis for the entire subsequent conversion process, including water treatment and the control system coordination of the system, are among the greatest challenges for the development engineers.”

With the Danish test site, the team aim to investigate how fluctuating electricity supply will impact the electrolysers’ function.

“With this setup, the effects on control can be identified, further assessed and if necessary, adjusted, as this will be one of the critical aspects at sea,” the announcement said.


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