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US DOE awards $18m to nine hydrogen hazard detection initiatives

The US Department of Energy’s (DOE) Advanced Research Projects Agency-Energy (ARPA-E) has earmarked $18m for nine projects focused on hydrogen hazards.

The ARPA-E’s Exploratory Topic M: H2SENSE projects are expected to create “a new generation of sensors to detect and quantify concentrations of hydrogen in the range of parts per billion.”

The teams selected for funding are scheduled to develop fully integrated systems that incorporate sensors, data transmission, dispersion and quantification analyses.

This is in addition to any peripheral components and modelling necessary for the operation, calibration and accurate quantification of hydrogen.

The nine projects selected include:

GE Vernova Advanced Research Centre in New York

Up to $2.7m for H2-LOCATE – hydrogen leak localisation and quantification using physics-enhanced analytics and fence-line monitoring.

Colorado State University – Fort Collins, Colorado

Has received $1.9m for its Hydrogen Emissions Monitoring System Based on Trace Gas PARS Sensor project.

National Energy Technology Laboratory for Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

Large survey area hydrogen leak detector based on a quadcopter-mounted laser image, chosen for $2.4m funding.

Serinus Labs in Berkeley, California

Will utilise the $2.5m funding for its Parts Per Billion Hydrogen Plume Emissions Reports System initiative.

Northeastern University in Boston, Massachusetts

$2.4m to allow the university to develop a platform focused on the detection and localisation of hydrogen emissions by integrating advanced miniaturised and near-zero hydrogen sensing technology.

Princeton University, New Jersey

$1.7m for HydroNet: an integrated photonic system for hydrogen leak localisation, quantification and monitoring.

Aerodyne Research – Billerica, Massachusetts

Will explore an autonomous method to quantify and localise hydrogen facility emissions, earmarked for $1.8m.

2Witech Solutions – Andover, Massachusetts

They will develop the “first” mobile 20-parts per-billion-level self-cleaning plasmonic hydrogen sensor system to improve sensitivity compared with state-of-the-art sensors. This project secured $1m of the funding.


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