© Siltrax
© Siltrax

Siltrax begins silicon-based fuel cell developments after $10m raise

Siltrax has launched the next phase of development for its silicon-based fuel cell technology following a $10m investment round.

Unlike traditional fuel cells, Siltrax uses silicon-based bipolar plates which are reported to take advantage of the material’s “lightweight and durable nature, mechanical and chemical stability and ability to withstand high temperatures and corrosive environments.”

H2 View understands the systems can leverage existing photovoltaic (PV) supply chains for raw materials and production equipment, allowing Siltrax to utilise existing processes and techniques to further optimise manufacturing processes and reduce the overall cost of fuel cell production.

© Siltrax

The Sydney-based firm’s initial focus is aerospace and stationary power applications, although the fuel cells could potentially complement commercial and passenger vehicles.

Australia’s Clean Energy Finance Corporation (CEFC) supported the company with $7m, whilst the remaining funding came from Virescent Ventures.

“We’re entering a new era of energy innovation where silicon-based fuel cells have the potential to transform the clean energy landscape,” explained Dr. Zhengrong Shi, co-founder of Siltrax.

“Silicon’s properties enable us to push the boundaries of fuel cell design, creating a low-cost, high-performance product. And, by leveraging resources from the solar industry, we can lower the barriers to mass manufacturing and make clean energy solutions more accessible to the global market.”

The technology was developed by solar entrepreneur Dr. Shi alongside Dr. Jim Zhu, a semiconductor expert with experience in silicon-based materials research.

Siltrax is now focused on bringing this technology to international markets.


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