
Rzeszów’s hydrogen bus plans hit roadblock as Polenergia backs out of 15-year supply deal

Polenergia has scrapped its plans to supply hydrogen for Rzeszów’s city buses in Poland, citing legal uncertainties as the primary reason, according to local reports.

Last October, Polenergia’s H2Hub Nowa Sarzyna business unit secured a 15-year contract to deliver hydrogen for 20 buses as part of a PLN 120 million ($29m) bid, despite MPK Rzeszów, the city’s public transport company, only budgeting for PLN 86m ($21m).

However, Polenergia announced its withdrawal from the tender on January 9, 2025, stating, “Subsidiary Polenergia H2HUB Nowa Sarzyna has identified circumstances preventing the conclusion of the public procurement contract no. DW.TZ.1.2024 for ‘Supply and Distribution of Hydrogen Fuel.’”

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