
NTPC to develop 1,500 TPD green hydrogen hub in India

India’s NTPC Green Energy will develop a $21bn green hydrogen hub in Andhra Pradesh, capable of producing 1,500 tonnes of green hydrogen and 7,500 tonnes of derivatives daily.

The ‘NTPC Green Energy LTD Green Hydrogen Hub’ will be launched under the country’s National Green Hydrogen Mission and is expected to contribute to India’s capacity target of 500GW by 2030. The strategy has encouraged the domestic production of electrolysers, so NTPC could potentially use products developed by Reliance Industries or L&T.

Read more: RIL to manufacture Nel’s alkaline electrolysers in India under license

H2 View understands that the hub will be equipped with a capacity of 20GW of renewable energy capacities, making it one of India’s largest integrated green hydrogen production facilities.

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