©Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
©Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

Hong Kong unveils hydrogen strategy: aims to link China with global markets

Hong Kong plans to use clean hydrogen in transportation and power applications under a new strategy that aims to bridge the gap between Beijing and the rest of the world.

The island administration plans to create a supportive environment for hydrogen energy by improving laws, setting standards and aligning with the global hydrogen market, all while seemingly deepening its reliance on China.

A former British colony, Hong Kong was handed back to China in 1997 under a “one country, two systems” agreement; seeing Hong Kong hold a degree of autonomy from China.

However, over the years, local and global concerns have grown about Beijing eroding Hong Kong’s autonomy, leading to large-scale protests in 2014 and 2019. In 2020, China imposed a national security law in Hong Kong, which critics said further undermined the island’s autonomy.

The new hydrogen strategy claims that one country, two systems will give Hong Kong access to mainland China’s “huge” market, positioning it as “the bridge linking the mainland to the rest of the world.”

The strategy document notes that land scarcity and a large population in Hong Kong would limit local clean hydrogen production, further pushing the need to import the energy carrier from the mainland.

As part of the proposed action plan, the government says it will strengthen cooperation with mainland stakeholders and plans to use existing channels including the Hong Kong-Guangdong Joint Working Group on Environmental Protection and Combating Climate Change.

Later this year the Hong Kong administration will look to launch a “publicity drive” to enhance public understanding of hydrogen development in China and overseas.

In the first half of next year, the government has said it will introduce legislative amendments to provide a “legal basis” for regulating the production, storage, transport, supply and use of hydrogen, before certifying a hydrogen standard aligned with global standards by 2027.

Tse Chin-wan, Secretary for Environment and Ecology, said seizing the opportunities offered by developing hydrogen energy could help Hong Kong reach carbon neutrality while also maintaining international competitiveness.

A key part of the plans looks to leverage the special administration’s unique position to “reach out to overseas and mainland potential enterprises and talent to promote Hong Kong’s business opportunities arising from hydrogen energy development.”

It comes as China rapidly develops its hydrogen industry, which many in the West believe poses a threat to technology providers and project developers.

Catalysed by the People’s Republic’s assertive actions in the South China Sea and trade disputes, numerous reports suggest that the country is likely to lead hydrogen development and demand in the years to come.

Read more: Is Europe’s solar crisis a window into the future for electrolyser OEMs?

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