
HD KSOE’s liquid hydrogen carrier vessel secures AiP from DNV

DNV has awarded an Approval in Principle (AiP) to HD Korea Shipbuilding & Offshore Engineering’s (KSOE) CBM electric propulsion liquefied hydrogen carrier (LH2).

The vessel is equipped with HD Hyundai’s liquid hydrogen tanks and an electric propulsion system with hydrogen dual fuel HiMSEN engines – which enable flexible fuel use between diesel and hydrogen.

Once operational, the vessel could enable 80,000 metres of LH2 storage and transport for the collaborative group, which includes HD KSOE, Woodside Energy, Hyundai Glovis and Mitsui O.S.K. Lines (MOL).

Read more: Joint study to evaluate the potential of a liquid hydrogen supply chain in Asia

The AiP from DNV verifies that the LH2 carrier design concept complies with the safety, environmental and technical standards needed for safe and efficient hydrogen transport.

Chang Kwang-pil, Chief Technology Officer of HD KSOE, explained, “This AiP from DNV is a crucial validation of our commitment to developing a reliable and cost-effective LH2 carrier.

“Achieving this goal requires collective effort across the LH2 shipping value chain, and we are committed to driving progress through continuous collaboration and innovation.”

Vidar Dolonen, DNV Regional Manager for Korea & Japan, claimed the AiP is a “vital step towards building a global hydrogen economy,” with safer and more efficient LH2 transportation.

In March (2024), 3M announced it would support HD KSOE in developing liquid hydrogen storage tanks to be used onboard vessels.

Read more:HD KSOE and 3M partner on liquid hydrogen storage developments

The solutions will use 3M’s Glass Bubbles, a “high-strength, low density” hollow glass microsphere.


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