
Europe Competitiveness Compass to steer tech growth

The European Commission has presented the Competitiveness Compass, designed to serve as a focal point for future technologies’ development and growth.

The Compass sets a path for Europe to become the place ‘where future technologies, services, and clean products are invented, manufactured, and put on the market,’ according to a statement, and comes ahead of the release of the Clean Industrial Deal, another key competitive plank, next month. It aims to convert the recommendations of the Draghi report into a’ roadmap’.

“Over the last two decades, Europe has not kept pace with other major economies due to a persistent gap in productivity growth,” it states.

“The EU has what is needed to reverse this trend with its talented and educated workforce, capital, savings, Single Market, unique social infrastructure, provided it acts urgently to tackle longstanding barriers and structural weaknesses that hold it back.”

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