Funding is filtering through from the European Hydrogen Bank auction
Funding is filtering through from the European Hydrogen Bank auction

Europe approves hydrogen funding for Austria and Lithuania

The European Commission is supporting electrolyser and hydrogen development in Austria and Lithuania through state aid funding worth €400m and €36m respectively.

The approved schemes, under the European Hydrogen Bank’s auction, will support electrolyser companies to produce up to 112,000 tonnes of renewable hydrogen in Austria and 13,000 tonnes in Lithuania.

The schemes will contribute to the objectives of the recent Clean Industrial Deal to accelerate the decarbonisation of EU industry while strengthening competitiveness, of the REPowerEU Plan to reduce dependence on Russian fossil fuels and be greener, as well as the EU Hydrogen Strategy.

The moves will help both countries achieve their national hydrogen objectives, as well as supporting targets for the share of renewable fuels of non-biological origin (RFNBOs) consumed in transport and in industry that are set in the EU’s Renewable Energy Directive.

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