Quarry at Upper Madeley Farm © BGS
Quarry at Upper Madeley Farm © BGS

EMstor secures Ofgem funding for UK hydrogen storage study

The East Midlands Storage (EMstor) consortium has secured funding to explore the feasibility of a potential hydrogen storage site in the UK region.

Led by Cadent, alongside the British Geological Survey (BGS), Star Energy Group, Net Zero Strategy and the University of Edinburgh, the consortium’s study was awarded funding via Ofgem’s Strategic Innovation Fund.

EMstor will undertake a feasibility assessment of the East Midlands’ geology potential to host hydrogen storage technologies and allow the expansion of Cadent’s planned 100% hydrogen pipeline.

Read more:UK: 5GW of hydrogen production, first 100% hydrogen pipeline and more promised by Cadent in new 10-point plan

H2 View understands that various depleted oil reservoirs in the region could store hydrogen. The study will characterise the potential geological reservoir to evaluate whether it’s suitable for hydrogen storage at scale.

“This evaluation could potentially lay the foundations for a hydrogen storage demonstration project in the area through subsequent funding rounds,” explained Sally Brewis, Head of Regional Development at Cadent.

Brewis added that the EMstor project could be “game-changing for the hydrogen economy in the region and will enable a more rapid decarbonisation of industry and power generators that want to switch to hydrogen.”

Edward Hough, Research Lead in underground energy storage at BGS, said, “Storing hydrogen gives flexibility to the energy system, allowing excess hydrogen to be stored for use during periods when demand exceeds supply.

“In this project, BGS will build on its extensive laboratory and mapping programmes to help identify areas of the underground geology that may represent future exploration targets for hydrogen storage in bedrock.”

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