© MorGen Energy | Proposed 1GW green hydrogen production facility in Esbjerg, Denmark
© MorGen Energy | Proposed 1GW green hydrogen production facility in Esbjerg, Denmark

Large-scale projects: The driving force behind Europe’s cross-border green hydrogen economy

Building a robust hydrogen economy in Europe requires moving beyond isolated, small-scale projects and embracing coordinated, cross-border collaboration.

Fragmentation hinders the ability to unlock transformative opportunities. Large-scale initiatives, such as our planned Njordkraft 1GW green hydrogen production project, offer a compelling solution by integrating abundant renewable energy sources from the North Sea via cost-effective infrastructure to large-scale offtakers, such as heavy industry.

These efforts not only promise to significantly reduce hydrogen production costs but also lay the foundation for a resilient, interconnected energy system that can serve as the backbone of Europe’s green transition.

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