

Market Report: Hydrogen Insights 2022

A precis of the September 2022 report from the Hydrogen Council and McKinsey & Company, outlining an updated perspective on hydrogen market development and the actions required to unlock hydrogen at scale.

Policy Pillar: Focus on Asia

Earlier this year, H2 View explored the respective policy pictures in China, India and South Korea among others, piecing together the puzzle of Asia’s hydrogen economy. This month our focus is on Asia as whole,...

Located in Bend, Oregon in the US, Element 1 Corp is focused on developing practical solutions for affordable, onsite, on-demand hydrogen production. Drawing on more than 140 man-years of experience in hydrogen generation, purification and...

H2 View – Issue #33

What a time it is to be bringing you our Rail & Road edition, with the growing momentum in hydrogen mobility applications and hot on the heels of the European Parliament sending its own strong...

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